Tyee's Tasting Parlor is Open Weekends only thru December 15th with a Special Founders Weekend Wine Tasting to close our Season and Tickets available online for Tyee's Crab & Vintage Wine Dinner
Hot August Nights at Tyee
Don't Miss these Great Events Coming up at Tyee in July and Beyond!
June Events at Tyee and Tickets to July Readers' Theatre onsale now - plus Tyee is Open every Weekend from Noon to 5pm for wine tasting, picnicking and hiking
Tyee's Memorial Day Picnic with Music by The Space Neighbors and Cool Jones kicks off our Summer Event Season, Monday, May 27th, Noon to 5pm
Save the Date Monday May 27th Memorial Day for Music at Tyee Wine Cellars from Noon to 5pm
Looking Forward to Celebrating with You!
Does Wine Exist for Food?
Celebrating Harvest Season!
Summer Inspirations: August Music at Tyee Wine Cellars
Join us at Tyee this Summer!
2023 Tyee Winery Memorial Day Picnic
Tyee's 29th Annual Crab & Wine Dinner pickup Saturday, January 21, 2023
Tyee’s Annual Space Neighbors Concert